Part of the dictionary definition of jealousy states that jealousy is "a state of fear, suspicion or envy caused by a real or imagined threat to one's possessive instincts." It also says that jealousy is "a zealous desire to preserve an existing situation or relationship." Both of these states of mind, no matter how we look at it, prevent us from living our lives as happy, loving people who are getting the most out of all our gifts.
Jealously is what in the end led to Gatsbys death and caused him to fulfill his life with the wrong things.Gatsby was jealous of Tom so he made all this money so that he could attract the attention of Daisy, but it didnt work. Jealousle can casue pain in your life and it is something you should stay away from.

Your pictures are getting cropped off. You need to figure out how to resize them or post them so the whole image shows, because they don't make sense otherwise, like the last image of this post. Make sure to cite all resources. 65/75
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